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Title: Teaching english as a foreign language application process.
Authors: Mansilla Timias, Johanna Vanessa
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Mansilla Timias, J. V. (2024). Teaching english as a foreign language application process. (TEFL). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-IDI-NYE;025
Abstract: The importance of the English language in Ecuadorian society is increasingly undeniable. As globalization advances, proficiency in English becomes a vital skill for personal, academic, and professional development. In Ecuador, the ability to communicate effectively in English opens doors to intemational opportunities and enhances intercultural understanding. Recognizing this need, my joumey as a student of Pedagogy of Languages has been dedicated to mastering and teaching English, with a particular focus on the core skills of listening, reading, and writing, This commitment stems from a deep understanding of the transformative power of language education in broadening perspectives and providing access to a wealth of global knowledge and resources. By equipping myself with the necessary skills to teach English, I aim to contribute to the empowerment of individuals in my community, enabling them to compete on a global stage and engage with diverse cultures and ideas . Throughout my studies, I have engaged in extensive practice through the completionof FMU journal, which encompass a wide range of activities aimed at enhancing listening, reading , and writing skills . This joumal have provided a structured approach to self-reflection and continuous improvement, allowing me to monitor my progress and identify areas for further development. Additionally, the creation of lesson plans for these essential skills has equipped me with the pedagogical strategies necessary to effectively teach English in a classroom setting. The process of developing these lesson plans has been invaluable, as it has required me to think critically about how to present complex linguistic concepts in an accessible and engaging manner . By incorporating a variety of teaching methodologies and adapting my approach to meet the diverse needs of students , I have gained a deeper appreciation for the art of language instrnction and the impact it can have on learners' academic and personal growth. Speaking is a critica! component of language leaming, and my focus on this skill has been integral to my development as an English teacher . Mastery of speaking involves not only fluency but also the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and confidently . Through my pedagogical training, I have honed strategies to enhance students' speaking abilities, emphasizing pronunciation and conversational skills. By creating dynamic lesson plans that incorporate role-plays, discussions, and presentations, I ensure that students practice speaking in diverse contexts.
Description: La importancia del idioma inglés en la sociedad ecuatoriana es cada vez más innegable. A medida que avanza la globalización, el dominio del inglés se convierte en una habilidad vital para desarrollo personal, académico y profesional. En Ecuador, la capacidad de comunicarse efectivamente en inglés abre puertas a oportunidades internacionales y mejora la interculturalidad, comprensión. Reconociendo esta necesidad, mi trayectoria como estudiante de Pedagogía de las Lenguas se ha dedicado a dominar y enseñar inglés, con un enfoque particular en las habilidades básicas de escuchar, leer y escribir. Este compromiso surge de una comprensión profunda de la poder transformador de la educación de idiomas para ampliar perspectivas y proporcionar acceso a una riqueza de conocimientos y recursos globales. Dotándome de las habilidades necesarias Para enseñar inglés, mi objetivo es contribuir al empoderamiento de las personas en mi comunidad, permitiéndoles competir en un escenario global e interactuar con diversas culturas e ideas.

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