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Title: Análisis de la evolución del ingreso público en ecuador durante el período 2018-2022 y su incidencia en la inversión pública.
Authors: Bermello Anchundia, Robert Johan
Pilligua Mero, Jhon Jandry
Keywords: ANÁLISIS
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Bermello Anchundia, R. J. y Pilligua Mero, J. J. (2024). Análisis de la evolución del ingreso público en ecuador durante el período 2018-2022 y su incidencia en la inversión pública. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ECO;0063
Abstract: This research work analyzed the evolution of the Sector's income Non-Financial Public (SPNF) and how this variable directly affects public investment of Ecuador from 2018 to 2022. Different articles were examined scientists, publications, among other documents from various authors to demonstrate and identify what have been the components, factors, causes that determine said behavior in each of the study variables over time. of the same Likewise, a review of the literature was carried out according to the research topic for the which addresses two main theories regarding public investment, through which the Authors are based on the intervention of the State to boost the economy of a country. The time series methodology was used, through an econometric model that was It is divided into two phases. First, a linear regression model is performed in which the Ordinary Least Squares method is applied to carry out the estimation, then natural logarithms are applied to the variables to improve and adjust the model and thus achieve greater explanatory power. To complete the econometric process, creates a VAR model in which the estimation of said model is carried out with the purpose of obtain empirical evidence to implement policy suggestions or recommendations economical. The results reveal the presence of a positive relationship between investment public and the income of the SPNF, it is finally concluded that public investment is correlated by 71.2% with public income, that is, there is explanatory power.
Description: El presente trabajo de investigación analizó la evolución de los ingresos del Sector Público no Financiero (SPNF) y cómo esta variable incide directamente en la inversión pública del Ecuador comprendido desde el año 2018 hasta el 2022. Se examinaron diferentes artículos científicos, publicaciones, entre otros documentos de diversos autores para demostrar e identificar cuáles han sido los componentes, factores, causas que determinan dicho comportamiento en cada una de las variables de estudio a través del tiempo.
Appears in Collections:ECONOMÍA

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