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Title: Identificación de las necesidades de financiamiento de los pequeños emprendimientos productivos del cantón Manta.
Authors: García Vera, Madelayne Dayana
Delgado Quijije, Luis Joel
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: García Vera, M. D. y Delgado Quijije, L. J. (2024). Identificación de las necesidades de financiamiento de los pequeños emprendimientos productivos del cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ECO;0068
Abstract: This study aims to identify the financing needs of small productive enterprises in the canton of Manta, Ecuador. To this end, a descriptive-correlational methodology with a quantitative approach was employed, applying a survey to a probabilistic sample of 105 companies in the manufacturing sector that meet the criteria of being small companies accordi ng to their subscribed capital and belong to the manufacturing sector, that is, ISIC Level 1: C. The main results indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship (Rho=0.745) between the characteristics of the enterprises, such as formalizati on, technological innovation, and access to financing, and their financing needs. This suggests that as these characteristics are strengthened, the financing needs of small enterprises also increase. In conclusion, the main needs identified include the consolidation of formalization, the strengthening of innovation and technological adoption capabilities, the improvement of access to bank loans, the strengthening of financial management, and support for the development of new products and services, as well as the implementation of effective marketing strategies. These findings provide key inputs for public and private institutions to design and implement programs and policies that more effectively address the financing needs of small productive enterprises in the canton of Manta.
Description: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las necesidades de financiamiento de los pequeños emprendimientos productivos en el cantón Manta, Ecuador. Para ello, se empleó una metodología descriptiva-correlacional de enfoque cuantitativo, aplicando una encuesta a una muestra probabilística de 105 empresas del sector manufacturero que cumplen con el criterio de ser pequeñas empresas según su capital suscrito y pertenecen al sector manufacturero es decir, CIIU Nivel 1: C.
Appears in Collections:ECONOMÍA

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