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Title: El impacto de la crisis de seguridad en la economía de las microempresas de la ciudad de Manta 2023-2024.
Authors: Mera Anchundia, Manuel Vicente
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Mera Anchundia, M. V. (2024). El impacto de la crisis de seguridad en la economía de las microempresas de la ciudad de Manta 2023-2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ECO;0087
Abstract: The impact of the security crisis on the economy of Manta's microenterprises between 2023 and 2024 was investigated. The objective was to analyze said impact, evaluating its magnitude in income, expenses, and profitability, identifying the types of microenterprises most affected and analyzing the strategies implemented to face the crisis. A mixed methodological approach was used with a non-experimental cross-sectional design, using techniques such as documentary analysis and in-depth surveys, the results revealed a significant negative impact on the sales, income and employment of microenterprises, with a decrease in income of more than 50%. in most cases. The smallest microenterprises turned out to be the most vulnerable; the main response strategy was the increase in security measures, although its effectiveness was perceived as limited. The main demand for government support was a greater police presence. The security crisis had a severe impact on Manta's microbusiness economy, highlighting the need for government interventions and business strategies to mitigate the effects and foster resilience in this sector. These findings confirm the negative impact of the crisis on the local economy and highlight the need for government interventions and business strategies to mitigate the effects and foster resilience in this vulnerable sector.
Description: Se investigó el impacto de la crisis de seguridad en la economía de las microempresas de Manta entre 2023 y 2024. El objetivo fue analizar dicho impacto, evaluando su magnitud en ingresos, gastos, y rentabilidad, identificando los tipos de microempresas más afectadas y analizando las estrategias implementadas para enfrentar la crisis. Se utilizó un enfoque metodológico mixto con un diseño no experimental transversal, empleando técnicas como análisis documental y encuestas en profundidad, los resultados revelaron un impacto negativo significativos en las ventas, ingresos y empleo de las microempresas, con una disminución de ingresos superior al 50 % en la mayoría de los casos.
Appears in Collections:ECONOMÍA

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