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Título : El análisis FODA como Técnica para Mejorar la Toma de Decisiones en la Empresa Pública de Producción y Desarrollo Estratégico EP-ULEAM, Manta 2023.
Autor : Gomes Alarcón, Stefany Noemi
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Gomes Alarcón, S. N. (2024). El análisis FODA como Técnica para Mejorar la Toma de Decisiones en la Empresa Pública de Producción y Desarrollo Estratégico EP-ULEAM, Manta 2023. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-GIG;034
Resumen : Today's companies are characterized by increasing globalization and Increasingly fierce competition, organizations face unprecedented challenges, the Survival and sustainable growth of a company depend largely on its ability to adapt to changes in the environment and make strategic decisions based on solid information In this context, SWOT analysis emerges as a strategic management tool. fundamental; This technique, coming from the English acronym SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), allows organizations to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of their current situation, by identifying both its internal strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats present in its external environment. However, the absence of a SWOT analysis can have negative consequences. significant for a company, in the same way when not having a clear vision of its competitive position, organizations can make wrong decisions, waste growth opportunities and be exposed to unnecessary risks. This can be translated into a loss of competitiveness, a decrease in profitability and ultimately in the loss of market share. In addition to economic aspects, the lack of a SWOT analysis can affect negatively the image and reputation of a company. Stakeholders, such as customers, investors and employees expect organizations to demonstrate a deep understanding of their environment and an ability to adapt to changes.
Descripción : Hoy en día las empresas actuales se caracterizan por una creciente globalización y una competencia cada vez más feroz, las organizaciones se enfrentan a desafíos sin precedentes, la supervivencia y el crecimiento sostenible de una empresa dependen en gran medida de su capacidad para adaptarse a los cambios del entorno y tomar decisiones estratégicas basadas en información sólida.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5600
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