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Title: El Acceso a la Información en el Proceso Formativo de los Estudiantes en la Carrera Gestión de la Información Gerencial, año 2023.
Authors: Suárez Baque, Néstor Javier
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Suárez Baque, N. J. (2024). El Acceso a la Información en el Proceso Formativo de los Estudiantes en la Carrera Gestión de la Información Gerencial, año 2023. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-GIG;041
Abstract: Nowadays, technological innovation has increased access opportunities to the information, however, we must take into account that the information posted on The website is used in its entirety by students, affecting their educational process. Finding and selecting the correct information has become a complex task, i.e. Although search engines provide various information, it does not mean that the People are efficient in searching and selecting useful information. For this reason, the need arose to develop the present work, which had as its objective to analyze access to information in the training process of students of the Career Management Information Management (GIG). The choice of this career as an object of study was based on the observation that his students proceed to select the first results provided by search engines without the respective analysis of the information investigated, in this context we sought to understand how this behavior can affect their training process. To develop this case study, a methodology with a qualitative approach was used. which consisted of the application of analysis and synthesis methods. The analysis method for discover the causes that originate the problem while the synthesis was used to understand how the phenomenon that this study addresses arises. The deductive method was used to analyze the theories made by different authors and carry out an exhaustive analysis. Finally, the inductive method that allowed theories to be created from the observations made.
Description: En la actualidad la innovación de la tecnología ha aumentado las oportunidades de acceso a la información, sin embargo, hay que tomar en cuenta que no siempre la información colgada en la web es aprovechada en su totalidad por parte de los estudiantes, afectando su proceso formativo. Encontrar y seleccionar la información correcta se ha convertido en una tarea compleja, es decir, aunque los motores de búsquedas proporcionen información variada no quiere decir que las personas sean eficientes buscando y seleccionando información de su utilidad.

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