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Title: Competencias digitales en contextos de gobiernos electrónicos de la Corporación Nacional de Electricidad del Ecuador. ciudad de Manta. año 2023.
Authors: Domínguez Soledispa, Elihú Abraham
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Domínguez Soledispa, E. A. (2024). Competencias digitales en contextos de gobiernos electrónicos de la Corporación Nacional de Electricidad del Ecuador. ciudad de Manta. año 2023. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-GIG;050
Abstract: Information and communication technologies (ICT) have generated accelerated changes in all areas where human activity takes place. The private sector in developed and developing countries has been able to take advantage of the benefits that ICT offer for business competitiveness, on the other hand, the sector public, faced with the need to make its processes transparent and optimize, incorporated the electronic government, as a way to improve government management. To carry out studies related to the implementation of electronic governments in public sector companies, it is necessary to know that you must go through a series of stages or states. That is, it is a continuous process that gradually increases its complexity. Given this situation, the companies or public sector organizations that have assumed the responsibility responsibility for implementing electronic government models, they have had to develop on par, the digital skills of public servants, without which it would not be possible achieve the objectives that are proposed in this sense. Just as the advancement of technology occurs constantly, companies owe it to par, plan and develop training programs so that its officials and workers can respond to new labor demands with the use of technology.
Description: Las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) han generado cambios acelerados en todos los ámbitos donde se desarrolla la actividad humana. El sector privado de los países desarrollados y en desarrollo, han sabido aprovechar los beneficios que las TIC ofrecen para la competitividad empresarial, por otro lado, el sector público ante la necesidad de transparentar y optimizar sus procesos, incorporó los modelos de gobierno electrónico, como una forma de mejorar la gestión gubernamental.

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