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Title: Análisis de la gestión documental y recopilación de información en la gerencia general de la empresa “Aseo integral de Montecristi EP” año 2022.
Authors: Mero Delgado, Edgar Josué
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Mero Delgado, E. J. (2024). Análisis de la gestión documental y recopilación de información en la gerencia general de la empresa “Aseo integral de Montecristi EP” año 2022. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-GIG;056
Abstract: This case study, titled: Analysis of Document Management and Compilation of information of the Department of General Management of the Company “Comprehensive Cleaning of Montecristi EP” of the Year 2022, focuses on evaluating documentary processes and practices information management within the aforementioned department, in order to search specific solutions, since efficiency and precision in document management can significantly impact decision making. The General Management of "Aseo Integral Montecristi EP" faces challenges significant in your document management, which affect the efficiency and effectiveness of your administrative processes. Currently, the organization is experiencing difficulties in organization, storage and retrieval of documents, which generates delays in the access to information, and a high risk of loss or deterioration of documents important. The interest in carrying out this case study is that document management has been become a fundamental pillar for modern organizations, especially in those that operate in the public sector. The ability to manage, store and retrieve information efficiently not only facilitates decision making, but also ensures transparency, accountability and operational continuity. In the context of public companies, these practices are crucial to ensure that resources are used optimally and that the services provided to the community are of the highest quality.
Description: El presente estudio de caso, titulado: Análisis de la Gestión documental y recopilación de información del Departamento de Gerencia General de la Empresa “Aseo Integral de Montecristi EP” del Año 2022, se enfoca en evaluar los procesos documentales y las prácticas de manejo de información dentro del departamento mencionado, con el fin de buscar soluciones específicas, ya que la eficiencia y precisión en la administración de documentos pueden impactar significativamente en la toma de decisiones.

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