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Título : Metaverso como herramienta de E-commerce. Consumidores del sector de videojuegos. Manta año 2023.
Autor : Quijije Pillasagua, Kerly Nayerly
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Quijije Pillasagua, K. N. (2024). Metaverso como herramienta de E-commerce. Consumidores del sector de videojuegos. Manta año 2023. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-GIG;059
Resumen : The world is increasingly digitalized, exploring its origins and technologies fundamentals that drive it, such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies, Digital Good (NTF-non-fungible token), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and web 4. In this sense, the present case study, titled “Metaverse as an e-commerce tool. Consumers of the video game sector. Manta year 2023 (Case study)”, aims to show the importance of the metaverse as an e-commerce tool, specifically in the video game consumers This research aims to establish negotiation strategies in the metaverse to strengthen e-commerce among consumers in the healthcare sector video games. Firstly, the investigative background is established, it is described the problem, the objectives to be met and the necessary justification, the theoretical references that support this research that will serve as a basis for a better understanding. and for Lastly, the research methodology is developed where it is explained with what type of research was worked on, the population, and sample to be used and instruments that were used for data collection such as observation guide and data collection techniques data.
Descripción : El mundo es cada vez más digitalizado, explorando sus orígenes y las tecnologías fundamentales que lo impulsan, como blockchain, criptomonedas, Bien digital (NTF-non-fungible token), Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y web 4. En este sentido, el presente estudio de caso, titulado “Metaverso como herramienta de e-commerce. Consumidores del sector de videojuegos. Manta año 2023 (Estudio de caso)”, pretende mostrar la importancia del metaverso como herramienta de e-commerce, específicamente en los consumidores del sector de videojuegos.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5625
Aparece en las colecciones: GESTIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN GERENCIAL

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