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Title: Lo háptico y su influencia en el arte mecánico cinético para la población "Leónidas Proaño. Montecristi 2023-24.
Authors: Cedeño Laz, Jhon Michael
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Cedeño Laz, J. M. (2024). Lo háptico y su influencia en el arte mecánico cinético para la población "Leónidas Proaño. Montecristi 2023-24. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AP;0003
Abstract: The present study explains how we live, in a century full of technological advances, art has gone through a lot of changes over the years, its experimentation and evolution has promoted and encouraged art, in its most classic, it has to take a direction where it is complemented by the multi-sensory. Gane are the days where paintings and sculptures only had to be observed by the public, now with the help of technology you can become involved in the work itself be part of the work and help it to re-emerge and become a milestone in the world. artisticfield. The use of traditional techniques such as drawing, study of form, chromatics, etc. They will always be present in any arüstic work, u is the basis with which we must start, however, in the new era of art we no longer only have the creation of a two-dimensional work, now the highly prestigious projects that are exhibited in Art galleries are three- dimensional works, the exploration of three dimensions goes hand in hand with the sensitive, the exploration and use of both resources can only lead art to conttnue evolving.
Description: El presente estudio explica, como vivimos, en un siglo lleno de avances tecnológicos, el arte ha pasado por un montón de cambios a los largo de los años la experimentación y evolución de la misma ha promovido e impulsado que el arte, en su estado más clásico, tenga que tomar un rumbo donde se complemente con lo mu/ti-sensorial. Atrás quedaron los días donde los cuadros y esculturas solo debían ser observados por el público, ahora con ayuda de la tecnología puedes verte inmiscuido en la misma obra, ser parte de la obra y ayudar a que la misma resurja y se vuelva un hito en el ámbito artístico.
Appears in Collections:ARTES PLÁSTICAS

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