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Title: Lo sensitivo, tecnológico-háptico incide en lo cinético mecánico, en Cojimíes 2024.
Authors: Franco Montehermoso, Jenny Gabriela
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Franco Montehermoso, J. G. (2024). Lo sensitivo, tecnológico-háptico incide en lo cinético mecánico, en Cojimíes 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AP;0005
Abstract: Sensory technology seeks to replicate human experiences through various sensory interfaces. This paper aims to highlight the incidence of haptic, kinetic and mechanical in Cojimíes 2024, considering the great importance of this type of innovative artistic initiative in society, as it allows the development of creativity and generates interest. In addition, it highlights its value as a plastic resource, the haptic is not only a component of the formal, as this is also an important part of plastic expression. Undoubtedly, sensitive technology in the visual arts seeks to expand creative frontiers, create more immersive experiences and explore the relationship between technology, human sensitivity and artistic expression. Finally, the research shows that the spectator or visitor can immerse himself in a positive and enriching way in the work. Cojimíes contextually does not have museographic exhibitions linked to sensory-technological, haptic art. For such reason of the Iack ofknowledge ofthese contem¡,orary artistic practices.
Description: La tecnología sensitiva busca replicar las experiencias humanas mediante diversas interfaces sensoriales. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo destacar la incidencia de lo háptico, cinético y mecánico en Cojimíes 2024, considerando la gran importancia que tiene este tipo de iniciativa artística innovadora en la sociedad, ya que permite desarrollar la creatividad y genera interés. Además, resalta su valor como recurso plástico, lo háptico no solo es un componente de lo formal, pues este también forma parte importante para la expresión plástica.
Appears in Collections:ARTES PLÁSTICAS

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