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Title: La terapia horticola como medio terapéutico en trastornos depresivos.
Authors: Panchana Reyes, Amy Elizabeth
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Panchana Reyes, A. E. (2024). La terapia horticola como medio terapéutico en trastornos depresivos. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0098
Abstract: The Collection of the articles was carried out in search engines such as Google Scholar, Dialnet, Elseiver, PubMed, and Reclalyc. The same thing that resulted in the importance of knowing what the symptoms of depressive disorders are, in turn, the most used evaluation instruments in Occupational Therapy, identifying the process of horticultural therapy, analyzing its benefits on mental health and at the same time , describe how and where the Association of Horticultural Therapists began and even since when occupational therapists began to use it. It is concluded that horticultural therapy is an activity linked to gardening, with guidelines given by a therapist trained in horticulture, together with a health professional, objectives must be set depending on the treatment plan and this has multiple benefits. In depressive disorders, one of them is that it reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety, improves concentration, memory and the lifestyle of individuals.
Description: La siguiente revisión sistemática se denomina "La Terapia Hortícola como medio Terapéuticos en Trastornos depresivos", se reaIizó con la finaIidad de conocer de qué manera influye dicha terapia en la calidad de vicia de los individuos e incluso cuáles son sus beneficios, no solo a nivel mental, sino que también físico.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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