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Title: La ergonomía y su importancia en la terapia ocupacional geriátrica.
Authors: Salazar Salazar, Harvi Moises
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Salazar Salazar, H. M. (2024). La ergonomía y su importancia en la terapia ocupacional geriátrica. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0104
Abstract: The objective of this research was to establish ergonomics and its importance in geriatric occupational therapy through bibliographic research, since today, the population of older adults suffers from health problems that affect their quality of life, where the reduction of their sensory abilities such as vision, hearing, their physical conditions are seen affected, cognitive abilities also limit them from receiving and giving motor and response responses since they have loss of muscle strength and elasticity which is given due to the decrease in the performance of intellectual or cognitive functions, and which represents a difficulty in processing thoughts, making decisions and promotes a high level of deconcentration; Therefore, occupational therapies generate perceptual and motor skills to solve problems in daily life; The methodology used to carry out the investigative work was documentary, since it was carried out by reviewing existing texts and articles on the topic, with non-probabilistic sampling.intentional; Therefore, it was known through the different academic articles that occupational therapies favor physical, mental and emotional health and help in the early diagnosis of deterioration, managing to avoid an early deficit in adulthood and thus avoiding dependence on the older adult who puts equity at risk from the beginning of life. In addition to this, the family is the first in charge of providing responsibilities so that the older adult improves quickly, since family help is the most favorable.
Description: El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la ergonomía y su importancia en la terapia ocupacional geriátrica a través de investigación bibliográfica, ya que hoy en día, la población de adultos mayores padece problemas de salud que afectan su calidad de vida, donde la reducción de sus capacidades sensoriales como la visión, oído, se ven sus condiciones físicas afectadas, las capacidades cognitivas también les limitan a la hora de recibir y dar respuestas motoras y de respuesta, ya que tienen pérdida de fuerza y ​​​​elasticidad muscular.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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