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Title: Correlación entre el índice CPO-D y PUFA en dentición mixta.
Authors: Andrade Párraga, Cristhian Javier
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Andrade Párraga, C. J. (2024). Correlación entre el índice CPO-D y PUFA en dentición mixta. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ODON;0102
Abstract: The literature reports a high prevalence of caries in mixed dentition, which can worsen if the caries is not treated because it will continue to destroy hard tissues until the pulp is compromised, and if the problem is still not treated, periapical damage may occur. To measure each of these situations there are epidemiological indices such as the DMFT/dmf-t index and the PUFA/pufa index. The objective was to evaluate the correlation between the DMF-T index and the PUFA index in mixed dentition. A systematic review was carried out that included 20 articles published between 2016 and 2023. The DMF-T index is used in permanent teeth and has among its components decayed teeth (D), teeth missed due to caries (M) and filled teeth (F). In primary dentition, the lowercase letters dmf are used for decayed teeth (c), missed due to cavities (m) and filled (f). Due to its usefulness, it has not been able to be replaced by other indices. The PUFA/pufa index describes the conditions that may arise due to the evolution of untreated caries; uppercase letters are used for permanent dentition and lowercase letters for mixed dentition. Its components are exposed pulp (P/p), ulceration (U/u), fistula (F/f) and abscess (A/a). The DMF-T / dmf-t index can be a predictor of the magnitude of the PUFA/pufa index since as the DMF-T / dmf-t index increases the PUFA/pufa index tends to increase, and the opposite can also occur.
Description: La literatura refiere una alta prevalencia de caries en dentición mixta lo que puede agravarse si la caries no es tratada porque seguirá destruyendo tejidos duros hasta llegar al compromiso de la pulpa, y si aún no se trata el problema pueden producirse daños periapicales. Para medir cada una de estas situaciones existen índices epidemiológicos como el índice CPO-D / ceo-d y el índice PUFA / pufa.
Appears in Collections:ODONTOLOGÍA

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