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Title: Una mirada desde la perspectiva constitucional de la vulneración de derechos de los adolescentes migrantes, obligados a mendigar en las calles del cantón manta-año 2022.
Authors: Cañarte Carrillo, Reina Sofia
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Cañarte Carrillo, R. S. (2024). Una mirada desde la perspectiva constitucional de la vulneración de derechos de los adolescentes migrantes, obligados a mendigar en las calles del cantón manta-año 2022. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-DER;0056
Abstract: The violation of the rights of migrant adolescents forced to beg on the streets is an alarming issue that reflects the precariousness of their living conditions. This situation exposes young people to abuse, exploitation, and the denial of their fundamental rights, affecting their overall development. In this context, the main objective was to analyze the violation of the constitutional rights of migrant adolescents forced to beg in the streets of the Manta canton during 2022. A qualitative methodology was employed, using hermeneutical and bibliographic methods that allowed for a deep interpretation of normative texts and existing literature on the topic. The main results indicate that migrant adolescents face serious violations of their rights, including a lack of access to basic services and exposure to precarious living conditions. Structural and contextual factors contributing to this issue were identified, such as poverty, the absence of effective public policies, and social stigmatization. The general conclusion highlights the need to implement public policies that ensure the protection of the rights of migrant adolescents in Manta. The research emphasizes the importance of a human rightscentered approach that not only addresses forced begging but also promotes social inclusion and access to essential services. The implications of this study are significant, as they provide a foundation for future research and the formulation of strategies to improve the situation of migrant adolescents in vulnerable contexts.
Description: La vulneración de derechos de adolescentes migrantes obligados a mendigar en las calles es una problemática alarmante que refleja la precariedad de sus condiciones de vida. Esta situación expone a los jóvenes a abusos, explotación y negación de sus derechos fundamentales, afectando su desarrollo integral.
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