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Título : Análisis constitucional de derechos políticos referentes a requisitos para elegir 2022.
Autor : Giler Reyes, Grecelly Gema
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Giler Reyes, G. G. (2024). Análisis constitucional de derechos políticos referentes a requisitos para elegir 2022. (Artículo científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-DER;0060
Resumen : Political rights have been considered an engine to be able to exercise democracy in a Secular country such as Ecuador, among these rights is present what is political participation where each citizen has a voice and vote to choose and be elected according to the Supreme Norm. An issue that has really taken on a lot of relevance in recent years is the requirements that citizens must meet when applying as candidates, however these have been very basic which has caused them to apply and be elected over time. leaders who have led our cantons, provinces and country to a political crisis because they do not have experience in public administration, and in other cases not even a basic academic degree since our constitution and subsequently the Electoral Organic Law detail very basic requirements. It is considered that it should be taken into account to add more detailed requirements so that when citizens want to apply they must comply in their entirety. Since in other areas the eligibility of applications requires completing a list of academic, social, cultural requirements, among others. This is already a problem since many citizens consider that those who are the representatives of the population should constantly prepare to be able to carry out correct management, however, as it is not classified it is difficult to demand..
Descripción : Los derechos políticos se han considerado un motor para poder ejercer la democracia en un país Laico como es Ecuador, entre estos derechos se hace presente lo que es la participación política donde cada ciudadano tiene voz y voto para elegir y ser elegido según la Norma Suprema.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5930
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