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Title: Intervención del Trabajador Social en el contexto educativo en el marco de la pandemia COVID 19 en la Unidad Educativa Trajano Viteri Medranda de la ciudad Manta, del periodo 2021- 2022.
Authors: Andrade Alcívar, Betty Annabel
Keywords: PANDEMIA
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Andrade Alcívar, B. A. (2022). Intervención del Trabajador Social en el contexto educativo en el marco de la pandemia COVID 19 en la Unidad Educativa Trajano Viteri Medranda de la ciudad Manta, del periodo 2021- 2022. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-DER;0070
Abstract: This research project aims to specify and know the conditions in which students develop their learning process. Likewise, identify the problems and perceptions that students present when receiving the online classes and likewise, know the intervention of the Social Worker in the face of the new students' learning conditions if they were presented as opportunities or limitations. For what has already been mentioned, this research project will carry out a exhaustive description of the variables presented to address the professional's intervention of Social Work in the educational field in the framework of the pandemic so that it can generate new tools for professionals in this area.
Description: Este proyecto de investigación tiene como propósito especificar y conocer las condiciones los estudiantes en las cuales desarrollan su proceso de aprendizaje.
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