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Title: Factores desencadenantes que han provocado el fracaso de las pymes a inicios de la pandemia del covid-19 en la Ciudad de Manta.
Authors: Bravo Barreto, Romina Nicole
Keywords: PYMES
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Bravo Barreto, R. N. (2022). Factores desencadenantes que han provocado el fracaso de las pymes a inicios de la pandemia del covid-19 en la Ciudad de Manta. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0252
Abstract: The research "Triggering factors that have caused the failure of SMEs at the beginning of the pandemic of covid-19 in the city of Manta- Province of Manabi" aimed to determine what are the triggering factors that have caused the failure of SMEs during the pandemic of covid-19 in the city of Manta. It is of special interest to know what were the triggering factors that produced the failure of SMEs during the pandemic of covid-19 that undoubtedly have caused a huge impact on the social, political, economic and environmental, in order to protect human life and try to stop the spread of the virus, the forced quarantine has complicated the whole world. And this would result in the risk of the continuity of SMEs. That is why the methodology used in this research is exploratory and descriptive, and the research technique used was the survey, using the Likert model, which had 10 questions supported by the dimension of the variable triggering factors; where characteristics related to: reduction of the GDP, lack of creativity and innovation, unemployment, affections in labor relations are analyzed. Thirty-seven SMEs were selected, as the universe is finite. The results of the analysis of the survey developed helped to identify which were the triggering factors that caused the failure of SMEs during the covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, considering the results obtained in the survey, the proposal is presented with its respective conclusions and recommendations.
Description: La investigación “Factores desencadenantes que han provocado el fracaso de las pymes a inicios de la pandemia del covid-19 en la Ciudad de Manta- Provincia de Manabí” tuvo como objetivo determinar cuáles son los factores desencadenantes que han provocado el fracaso de las pymes durante la pandemia del covid-19 en la ciudad de Manta.

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