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Title: Causas del comercio informal en la parroquia Eloy Alfaro sector centro (cuba) del cantón Manta.
Authors: Corrales Apolinario, Josselyne Michelle
Keywords: COMERCIO
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Corrales Apolinario, J. M. (2022). Causas del comercio informal en la parroquia Eloy Alfaro sector centro (cuba) del cantón Manta. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0265
Abstract: The research project developed in the Eloy Alfaro parish, central Cuba sector of the Manta canton, Manabí province, aims to determine the causes of why informal trade occurs in this sector, after carrying out the analysis corresponding to the results obtained according to the survey made to the 46 merchants as a total population, the most important indicators were unemployment, population growth, ignorance of tax regulations, use of public spaces and poverty found thanks to the research methods implemented in this sector such as the inductive method, deductive and historical, great importance can be given to poverty as one of the main causes with the highest index with 89% of the total population, it should be noted that for this investigation only informal merchants located in this sector were taken, the The results obtained gave me the guideline to carry out an action plan presented in the work, which can be applied easily and in the short term to reduce the informal trade developed in this sector, the implementation of this proposal followed by strategies encourage merchants to formalize their businesses and encourage new merchants to be included in this plan of improvement, the conclusions and recommendations presented in the development of this research affect the improvement of the indicators presented, the conclusions and executed can serve as support to improve informal trade in other sectors.
Description: El proyecto de investigación desarrollado en la parroquia Eloy Alfaro sector centro Cuba del cantón Manta provincia de Manabí, tiene como objetivo determinar las causas del porque se da el comercio informal en este sector, después de realizar el análisis correspondientes a los resultados arrojados según la encuesta realizada a los 46 comerciantes como población total.

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