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Title: La capacitación y su influencia en la productividad laboral de los colaboradores de las tiendas Bike Shop de la empresa Ecuacyclo a nivel nacional.
Authors: Espinales López, Jamilex Angerline
Keywords: BIKE SHOP
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Espinales López, J. A. (2022).La capacitación y su influencia en la productividad laboral de los colaboradores de las tiendas Bike Shop de la empresa Ecuacyclo a nivel nacional. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0270
Abstract: Within a company, corporate training plays an important role, it keeps the team updated and informs components and advantageous behaviors with respect to the competition. This research took place in the "Bike Shop" stores of Ecuacyclo nationwide. Surveys were made to collaborators of the "Bike Shop" stores. The analysis, the training plan, was applied in the city of Manta. The research project seeks to have an answer; in case the results were positive, in that case it was transferred to other stores nationwide. The objective of this research project is to test the influence of training on the performance of Ecuacyclo's collaborators with team level evaluations through training. The problem addressed is low labor productivity. There are different causes that affect the work of each person within the stores that cause low sales, poor management, and even bad labor relations that make the company not to be as successful as it needs to be. This paper is based on experimentation through research methodologies; data collection techniques were used to obtain the necessary information to confirm the hypotheses raised and result in better process quality. Part of this is based on research of previous works, degree thesis with similar topics that cover theoretical bases to reach the objective of the research.
Description: Dentro de una empresa la capacitación empresarial juega un papel importante, mantiene actualizado al equipo e informa componentes y comportamientos ventajosos con respecto a la competencia. La presente investigación tomó lugar dentro de las tiendas “Bike Shop” de la empresa Ecuacyclo a nivel nacional.

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