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Title: Creación de una empresa dedicada a la producción de textos e imágenes (imprenta) en el cantón Manta.
Authors: Flores Tejena, Carlos Alejandro
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Flores Tejena, C. A. (2022). Creación de una empresa dedicada a la producción de textos e imágenes (imprenta) en el cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0275
Abstract: This present project has as purpose the creation of a company which is dedicated to the creation of texts and images (printing) to be located in the Manta canton, in it graphic designs and production of printed products are developed, in addition to this it has as a purpose to elaborate those that are embroidered, sublimated, canvases, photos and also invoices, posters, dictums, triptychs, books, magazines, agendas, invitations, among others. In it, more than anything else, we want to see the degree of feasibility that it could have if this type of company were to be implemented, where the economic potential that it could generate for the canton and for the country would also be considered. The investigations that were carried out in this project have been based on market research, letting us know in this way that the work carried out in this type of business, such as graphic design and printing services, will always have a significant demand. For this project, a technical study was also carried out so that we can get to know exactly where the location and the optimal size of the premises will be and if we are going to have a good reception in that sector.
Description: Este presente proyecto tiene como finalidad la creación de una empresa el cual está dedicada a la creación de textos e imágenes (imprenta) a situarse en el cantón Manta, en ella se desarrollan diseños gráfico y elaboración de productos impresos, a más de esto se tiene como finalidad elaborar los que son bordados, sublimados, lonas, fotos y también los son facturas, afiches, dícticos, trípticos, libros, revistas, agendas, invitaciones, entre otros.

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