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Title: Propuestas para mejorar la gestión en los procesos de ventas aplicando el marketing mix en los locales de ropa ubicados en la zona comercial “nuevo tarqui” de la ciudad de Manta.
Authors: Holguín Rodriguez, Kathia Karolina
Keywords: GESTIÓN
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Holguín Rodriguez, K. K. (2022). Propuestas para mejorar la gestión en los procesos de ventas aplicando el marketing mix en los locales de ropa ubicados en la zona comercial “nuevo tarqui” de la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0282
Abstract: The present investigation was carried out with the purpose of analyzing proposals to improve the management in the sales processes by applying the marketing mix in the clothing stores located in the "Nuevo Tarqui" commercial area of the city of Manta. shortcomings that caused the low sales in these businesses and that served as the basis for the improvement in each of the processes carried out in the sales made by these stores, which were identified from the receipt of the merchandise until the sale ends with the client; With the improvement made, the achievement of the objectives is achieved, which is to obtain greater profitability and increase its level of sales. The research carried out is descriptive, under the bibliography and documentary modality, the target population of the study are the inhabitants of the city of Manta economically. The interview with three owners of clothing stores and a survey of the clients of the "New Tarqui" were used as research techniques, for which the Likert scale method was used, the research was based on the four dimensions described by the authors Armstrong & Kotler in their book "Fundamentals of Marketing" which indicate that the marketing mix refers to all activities that the company can do to influence the demand for its product, related in terms of price, product, place and promotion. Finally, an action plan was proposed as a solution to the problem.
Description: La presente investigación se realizó con el propósito de analizar propuestas para mejorar la gestión en los procesos de ventas aplicando el marketing mix en los locales de ropa ubicados en la zona comercial “Nuevo Tarqui” de la ciudad de Manta, en esta investigación se identificaron las falencias que originaron las ventas bajas en estos negocios y que sirvieron de base para el mejoramiento en cada uno de los procesos llevados a cabo en las ventas realizadas por estos locales, mismos que se identificaron desde la recepción de la mercadería hasta que finaliza la venta con el cliente; con la mejora realizada se logra la consecución de los objetivos que es obtener una mayor rentabilidad e incrementar su nivel de ventas.

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