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Title: Factores Determinantes de Competitividad de las Pymes Dedicadas a Industrias Manufactureras de Manta.
Authors: Meza Morales, Daniela Guadalupe
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Meza Morales, D. G. (2022). Factores Determinantes de Competitividad de las Pymes Dedicadas a Industrias Manufactureras de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0305
Abstract: In this research, the competitiveness factors of SMEs dedicated to manufacturing industries in Manta are determined. The tool used is the Competitiveness Map of the Inter-American Development Bank, where the indicators measured are strategic planning, procurement, quality assurance, marketing, accounting and finance, human resources, environmental management and information system. Its general objective was to evaluate the applicability of the determining factors of competitiveness of SMEs dedicated to manufacturing industries in Manta. Therefore, 4 SMEs from manufacturing industries in Manta were selected, which collaborated with the survey based on a structured questionnaire. As a result, 8 dimensions were obtained within the range 0% to 60%; which were: Strategic Planning with 19%, Procurement with 32%, marketing with 44%, Environmental Management with 49% and Information System with 59% of applicability. Two dimensions were located within the range of 65% to 75%; the same ones that were: Accounting and Finance with 66% and Human Resources with 70% of applicability while in the range of 80% to 95% only quality assurance was placed with 81% because for companies the quality of its products is essential for the satisfaction of its customers, which comply with the technical standards established for the sector.
Description: En esta investigación se determinan los factores de competitividad de las Pymes dedicadas a industrias manufactures de Manta. La herramienta utilizada es el Mapa de Competitividad del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, donde los indicadores que se miden son planeación estratégica, aprovisionamiento, aseguramiento de la calidad, comercialización, contabilidad y finanzas, recursos humanos, gestión ambiental y sistema de información.

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