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Title: La falta de trabajo en equipo y sus efectos en el área administrativa del Aeropuerto Internacional General Eloy Alfaro de Manta.
Authors: Salcedo Zambrano, Yelitza Belén
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Salcedo Zambrano, Y. B. (2022). La falta de trabajo en equipo y sus efectos en el área administrativa del Aeropuerto Internacional General Eloy Alfaro de Manta. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0327
Abstract: Teamwork is a relevant aspect for the proper development of the administrative area of the General Eloy Alfaro International Airport in Manta; the elements involved are leadership, communication and cooperation. The objective of this study was to analyze the lack of teamwork and its effects in the administrative area of the General Eloy Alfaro International Airport in Manta. The work methodology has a non-experimental design, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, of a descriptive type, a structured survey of 12 questions with a Likert scale was carried out, a convenience sample was carried out, only the personnel of the administrative area was taken into account. say that the survey was carried out by a part of the population of Manta Airport. Among the results, a plan to strengthen teamwork is established, which involves improvements through integration, training and permanent cooperation. It is concluded that leadership is weak, because the administrator does not motivate his staff or train them frequently for their training or continuous improvement, in addition they are not provided with information about the results, problems or limitations that exist in said area, therefore, there is no good communication between each of them, that is to say that communication is deficient.
Description: El trabajo en equipo es un aspecto relevante para el correcto desenvolvimiento del área administrativa del Aeropuerto Internacional General Eloy Alfaro de Manta, los elementos que intervienen son el liderazgo, la comunicación y cooperación. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la falta de trabajo en equipo y sus efectos en el área administrativa del Aeropuerto Internacional General Eloy Alfaro de Manta.

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