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Title: La violencia de género y la afectación social de madres jóvenes en el sector Aníbal San Andrés del cantón Montecristi, año 2024.
Authors: Anchundia Mero, Ericka Anabell
Mero Castro, Allisson Nahomi
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Anchundia Mero, E. A. y Mero Castro, A. N. (2024). La violencia de género y la afectación social de madres jóvenes en el sector Aníbal San Andrés del cantón Montecristi, año 2024. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0138
Abstract: This work analyzes gender violence and the social impact in the Aní bal San Andrés sector of the Cantón Montecristi year 2024. Gender violence is a persistent problem that dispropor tionately affects women, especially young mothers, it is a community mainly rural with significant socioeconomic challenges. Young mothers in this sector face multiple vulnerabilities due to the intersection of factors such as age, gender and early motherhood. The research was developed in a descriptive and explanatory manner, for which the quantitative methodology was applied and was developed through the survey techni que, collecting information from 350 inhabitants of the Aníbal San Andrés sector. Resulting in a positive impact by stating that the majority of i nhabitants know about gender violence, so there is a favorable result for gender vi olence and the social impact of young mothers. Therefore, it is important that Uleam becomes more involved with social problems in order to execute research proj ects in each sector of the Montecristi canton.
Description: El presente trabajo analiza la violencia de género y la afectación social en sector Aníbal San Andrés del Cantón Montecristi año 2024. La violencia de género es un problema persistente que afecta de manera desproporcionada a las mujeres, especialmente a la s madres jóvenes, es un sector principalmente rural con desafíos socioeconómicos significativos.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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