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Título : La familia y su influencia en casos de maltrato infantil en la fundación Shekinah del cantón Manta, año 2024.
Autor : Fernández Fernández, Ivana Jamileth
Macías Torres, Maholy Sarahi
Palabras clave : FAMILIA
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Fernández Fernández, I. J. y Macías Torres, M. S. (2024). La familia y su influencia en casos de maltrato infantil en la fundación Shekinah del cantón Manta, año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TS;0148
Resumen : The present research project entitled “The family and its influence on cases of child abuse in the Shekinah Foundation of Manta canton, year 2024” aims to identify the family factors that contribute to the incidence of child abuse in minors cared for by said foundation. In addition, it seeks to evaluate the perception of families about the support and resources provided by the foundation and to analyze the barriers that hinder the improvement of family dynamics. The problem of child abuse in this context significantly affects the emotional, social and physical development of minors, increasing their vulnerability and the risk of long-term consequences. Family intervention and support are essential to reduce the incidence of these cases and protect the well-being of children. The study adopted a qualitative approach with a descriptive observational design, allowing an in-depth analysis of the experiences and perceptions of those involved. For data collection, several semi-structured interviews were used, applied to the foundation staff, in which analytical, bibliographic and descriptive methods were used. The results reveal that lack of resources, socioeconomic stress and dysfunctional family relationships are critical factors influencing child abuse. It is concluded that strengthening psychosocial support and early intervention targeted at families are essential to prevent and address child abuse in the community.
Descripción : El presente proyecto de investigación titulado “La familia y su influencia en casos de maltrato infantil en la fundación Shekinah del cantón Manta, año 2024” tiene como objetivo identificar los factores familiares que contribuyen a la incidencia de maltrato infantil en los menores atendidos por dicha fundación.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6161
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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