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Title: Análisis de la efectividad de la mediación en disputas laborales y negociaciones colectivas en el cantón Portoviejo, año 2024.
Authors: Flores Anchundia, Belén Brigitte
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Flores Anchundia, B. B. (2024). Análisis de la efectividad de la mediación en disputas laborales y negociaciones colectivas en el cantón Portoviejo, año 2024.(Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0149
Abstract: The present study with the theme "Analysis of the Effectiveness of Mediation in Labor Disputes and Collective Negotiations in the Canton Portoviejo, year 2024" the General Purpose of the present investigation "To determine the Effectiveness of Mediation in the Resolution of Labor Disputes and Collective Negotiations in the Canton Portoviejo, in the Year 2024", the Qualitative methodology was applied, which allowed to deepen the rights of the Workers. In addition to the Theoretical Foundations of Social Work, the Conflict Resolution and Ecological Model were applied, which facilitated the understanding of the subject, likewise, the Phenomenological Design was used, which seeks to understand and describe the lived experiences of the participants in relation to the exposed situation. The research instrument used was the semi -structured interview. The key informants for the research were Mediators from the Province of Manabí who provided their experience and perception about Mediation. The results obtained in the investigation determined that Mediation is presented as an effective and valuable tool in the Resolution of Labor Conflicts, its origin in differences of thoughts, emotions and values, which often collide with the beliefs, customs and dynamics of the work environment. In conclusion, Mediation has proven to be a transformative tool, by facilitating open and voluntary communication between the parties in conflict, the most notable benefits are the free service, time savings and reduction of emotional wear and tear, which makes it a more accessible and effective alternative to prolonged judicial processes.
Description: El presente estudio con el tema “Análisis de la Efectividad de la Mediación en Disputas Laborales y Negociaciones Colectivas en el Cantón Portoviejo, año 2024” el Propósito General de la presente investigación “Determinar la Efectividad de la Mediación en la Resolución de Disputas Laborales y Negociaciones Colectivas en el Cantón Portoviejo, en el Año 2024”, se aplicó la metodología Cualitativa, el mismo que permit ió profundizar los derechos de los Trabajadores. Además de los Fundamentos Teóricos del Trabajo Social se aplicó el Modelo de Resolución de Conflictos y Ecológico que facilitaron la compresión del tema, asimismo, se empleó el Diseño Fenomenológico el mismo que busca comprender y describir las experiencias vividas de los participantes en relación con la situación expuesta.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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