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Title: La innovación de metodologías en la intervención social en el ámbito laboral del Cantón Manta, año 2024.
Authors: Macias Rivas, Ingrid Kattia
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Macias Rivas, I. K. (2024). La innovación de metodologías en la intervención social en el ámbito laboral del Cantón Manta, año 2024. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0156
Abstract: The research project entitled “Innovation of methodologies in social intervention in the workplace of Manta Canton, year 2024” addresses the need to adapt and renew social work practices in work contexts. The research focuses on exploring how traditional methodologies have been transformed to respond to the changing needs of companies and workers, analyzing their impact on well-being, productivity and job satisfaction. The work presents a solid theoretical framework based on social and conceptual theories related to social action, organizations and innovation. It also includes historical background and legal foundations that reinforce the importance of methodologies in the workplace. Through interviews and descriptive analysis, information is collected from social workers working in various companies in Manta. The findings highlight the effectiveness of methodologies such as the case method, the systemic approach and crisis intervention, while underlining the need to innovate to face emerging problems such as cultural diversity and technological changes. Finally, the study highlights the limitations found, such as the lack of access to companies for data collection, and proposes recommendations to improve accessibility and encourage further research on this topic in the future.
Description: El proyecto de investigación titulado “la innovación de metodologías en la intervención social en el ámbito laboral del Cantón Manta, año 2024” aborda la necesidad de adaptar y renovar las practicas del trabajo social en contextos laborales. La investigación se enfoca en explorar como las metodologías tradicionales se han transformado para responder a las necesidades cambiantes de las empresas y trabajadores, analizando su impacto en el bienestar, la productividad y la satisfacción laboral.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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