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Title: La intervención social en la violencia de género familiar en el Cantón Montecristi año 2024.
Authors: Palacios Rosero, Marcos Eloy
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Palacios Rosero, M. E. (2024). La intervención social en la violencia de género familiar en el Cantón Montecristi año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0160
Abstract: This research project focuses on social intervention in family gender violence in the Montecristi canton in 2024. Family gender violence is a phenomenon that has a significant impact on society, limiting the evolution towards a more egalitarian society, so this research is significant for today's society and also for the main authorities of the canton. The main objective of this research is to analyze social intervention in family gender violence in the Montecristi canton. The research was carried out using a mixed methodology. A survey was applied to 355 people who are the object of study, consisting of 15 questions. The results showed that social intervention is essential to address family gender violence in the Montecristi canton. It is concluded that social intervention is favorable to generate solutions on family gender violence in the Montecristi canton, and that it is necessary to strengthen coordination between institutions and organizations that provide support services to victims of family gender violence.
Description: La investigación se llevó a cabo mediante una metodología de carácter mixto. Se aplicó una encuesta a 355 personas que son objeto de estudio, constituida por 15 preguntas. Los resultados mostraron que la intervención social es fundamental para abordar la violencia de género familiar en el cantón Montecristi.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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