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Título : El género y su incidencia en la calidad de vida de personas migrantes en manta, 2024.
Autor : Saltos Sánchez, Diogo Alexander
Palabras clave : GÉNERO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Saltos Sánchez, D. A. (2024). El género y su incidencia en la calidad de vida de personas migrantes en manta, 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TS;0171
Resumen : This research project deals with gender and how it affects the quality of life of migrants in the city of Manta, during the year 2024, taking into account their double vulnerability as displaced people and as members of a community historically subject to discrimination. Using a qualitative methodology, the experiences of these individuals are examined through their life stories, the WHOQOL-BREF test carried out on six migrants and an interview with a social worker involved in an LGBTIOQ+ organization, in order to recognize the elements that They impact their well-being and integration in a new environment. Likewise, it seeks to make visible the barriers and challenges they face in areas such as access to basic services, labor insertion, recognition of rights and social acceptance and integration. The results show that LGBTIQ+ migrant people in the city of Manta face difficulties in their social integration, suffer discrimination due to their gender and origin and also that there are gender disparities; All of this is reflected in the quality of life that they perceive, due to both the lack of inclusive public policies and the insufficiency of official support networks; In this context, many people depend on informal networks that, although useful, are not always effective in crisis or emergency situations. This is why research determines that it is crucial to strengthen community support networks and develop particular public policies that promote inclusion and equal rights for LGBTIQ+ migrant individuals.
Descripción : Este proyecto investigativo trata sobre el género y como incide en la calidad de vida de los migrantes en la ciudad de Manta, durante el año 2024 teniendo en cuenta su doble vulnerabilidad como desplazados y como miembros de una comunidad históricamente objeto de discriminación.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6184
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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