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Title: Intervención de trabajo social en la protección de derechos de los niños en situación de calle de la ciudad de Manta, año 2024.
Authors: Vera Carvache, Samantha Dayanna
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Vera Carvache, S. D. (2024). Intervención de trabajo social en la protección de derechos de los niños en situación de calle de la ciudad de Manta, año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0178
Abstract: The present project is entitled Social Work Intervention in the Protection of Rights of Children in Street Situations in the City of Manta, Year 2024. The problem addressed in this research was based on the violation and social exclusion experienced by children in street situations, which negatively influence their physical and emotional well-being. The methodology applied was qualitative where the phenomenological method was used to learn about the experiences and realities of children. Interviews were conducted with key informants, such as the children's family and also with the Social Worker of the Plaza del Mar Municipal Space to collect relevant information and carry out the triangulation process that allowed increasing the validity and enriching the analysis. The findings revealed that many of the families of children in street situations do not have support from other institutions since they are unaware, but the Plaza del Mar municipal space respects their rights as a family. The results showed that homeless children suffer from anxiety, depression and other disorders that hinder their social and emotional development. In conclusion, the role of Social Work is fundamental in protecting the rights of street children, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities for improvement in current interventions. The families served by the Plaza del Mar municipal space have received comprehensive support that includes school leveling services, early stimulation, preventive and recreational workshops, as well as training in entrepreneurship and food services. These actions have contributed significantly to the well-being and development of children and their families.
Description: El presente proyecto titulado Intervención de Trabajo Social en la Protección de Derechos de los Niños en Situación de Calle de la Ciudad de Manta, Año 2024. El problema que se abordó en esta investigación se basó en la vulneración y exclusión social que viven los niños en situación de calle, que influyen de manera negativa en su bienestar físico y emocional.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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