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Title: Análisis del factor gasto y su influencia en el PIB en el Ecuador, periodo 2000 – 2023.
Authors: Moreira Arce, Fernando José
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Moreira Arce, F. J. (2024). Análisis del factor gasto y su influencia en el PIB en el Ecuador, periodo 2000 – 2023. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ECO;0106
Abstract: The development of the research focuses on analyzing the incidence of spending factors associated with the economic growth of Ecuador, mainly directed to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in a given period between 2000 and 2023, which is shown in the use of macroeconomic data focused on the local environment, through the application of econometric models such as simple and multiple regression, integrating variables of direct relationship such as the health sector, education and infrastructure. For this purpose, a type of correlational and bibliographic research is used, where theories such as Keynesian and economic cycle contribute to the understanding of public spending and its positive impact on various economic scenarios, which allowed us to find findings that determined a significant relationship between public spending and GDP, mainly in expenditures that are directed to health, which generates more impact along with education and infrastructure. However, it was also determined that a better distribution of spending can increase the economic growth of the country, through controlled policies and responsible spending, concluding that public spending is an indispensable engine for the dynamization of the Ecuadorian economy.
Description: El desarrollo de la investigación se enfoca en analizar la incidencia factor gasto asociado al crecimiento económico del Ecuador, principalmente direccionado al Producto Interno Bruto (PIB), en un periodo determinado entre los años 2000 a 2023, la cual se ostenta en el uso de datos de carácter macroeconómicos enfocados al entorno local, por medio de la aplicación de modelos econométricos como es, la regresión simple y múltiple, integrando variables de relación directa como el sector de la salud, educación e infraestructura.
Appears in Collections:ECONOMÍA

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