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Title: Análisis de la normativa jurídica ecuatoriana sobre enfermedades laborales y profesionales 2022.
Authors: Mendoza Mejía, Jhonnan Jomar
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Mendoza Mejía, J. j. (2024). Análisis de la normativa jurídica ecuatoriana sobre enfermedades laborales y profesionales 2022. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-DER;0072
Abstract: The reality of the work environment presents multiple risks that have led to the creation of legal regulations to protect workers' health. However, as a result of activities carried out within work, there are diseases caused directly or indirectly by activities inherent to the job, highlighting the need to critically evaluate the current regulations. The problem lies in the fact that Ecuadorian legal regulations may present deficiencies in their updating, coherence, and applicability, limiting their effectiveness in adequately protecting workers against current occupational risks. The general objective of the research is to analyze the Ecuadorian legal regulations on occupational and professional diseases in force in 2022. The methodology includes the identification and description of the main laws and regulations, the analysis of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment mechanisms, and the evaluation of safety measures through interviews. The main results show that, while a legal framework exists, there are deficiencies in its updating and effective application. Regulatory deficiencies were identified, especially in relation to new forms of work, and weaknesses in prevention, treatment, and compensation mechanisms. Furthermore, it was evident that it is necessary to promote greater collaboration between control institutions and companies, establishing more direct and efficient communication channels.
Description: La realidad del entorno laboral presenta múltiples riesgos que han llevado a la creación de normativa jurídica para proteger la salud de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, producto de las actividades realizadas dentro del trabajo, existen enfermedades causadas directa o indirectamente por las actividades inherentes al trabajo, evidenciando la necesidad de evaluar críticamente la normativa vigente.
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