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Title: Incumplimiento en el pago puntual de las remuneraciones a los trabajadores de las empresas privadas en el cantón Manta, durante el año 2020.
Authors: Alvarado Zambrano, Anthony Miguel
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Alvarado Zambrano, A. M. (2022). Incumplimiento en el pago puntual de las remuneraciones a los trabajadores de las empresas privadas en el cantón Manta, durante el año 2020. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-DER;0086
Abstract: The primary objective of this investigation was to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the underlying causes of non-compliance with the punctuality of payment of remuneration to employees in private entities of the Manta canton during the fiscal year of 2020. The methodology adopted consisted of an approach mixed, combining qualitative and quantitative elements to comprehensively address the complexity of the phenomenon studied. The findings revealed that a worrying 51% of the workers surveyed experienced inconveniences derived from the lack of compliance with the timely payment of their salaries. The predominant causes identified are primarily attributed to insufficient liquidity in companies and deficiencies in administrative management. Based on the conclusions obtained, it is inferred that non-compliance with remuneration negatively impacts work performance and, concomitantly, adversely affects the personal and family development of the affected workers. As a consequence of these findings, specific recommendations are made, highlighting the need for the Ministry of Labor to implement concrete measures aimed at ensuring punctuality in the payment of remuneration, and companies are urged to establish rigorous internal control mechanisms with the Purpose of preventing future non-compliance.
Description: El propósito primordial de la presente investigación fue realizar un análisis exhaustivo de las causas subyacentes al incumplimiento en la puntualidad del pago de las remuneraciones a los empleados en las entidades privadas del cantón Manta durante el ejercicio fiscal del año 2020. La metodología adoptada consistió en un enfoque mixto, combinando elementos cualitativos y cuantitativos para abordar de manera integral la complejidad del fenómeno estudiado.
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