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Title: Responsabilidad disciplinaria del notario según la legislación Ecuatoriana.
Authors: Vera Yenchong, Luisa Maricel
Issue Date: 2025
Citation: Vera Yenchong, L. M. (2025). Responsabilidad Disciplinaria del Notario según la Legislación Ecuatoriana. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-DER;0089
Abstract: The investigation is based on the analysis of the Disciplinary Responsibility of the Notary in Ecuador, with the aim of verifying whether the applicable sanctioning regime meets the purpose of preserving legal certainty as a function of the State. The study is qualitative and descriptive in nature, using deductive-inductive methods and analysis, using bibliographic review as a data collection technique. The results reveal that the disciplinary sanctioning regime applicable to the Notary in Ecuador fulfills the purpose of preserving the function of controlling compliance with the notarial function, through a gradual system of infractions according to the damage caused, determined by the presence of the intentional element, leading to the imposition of corrective and repressive sanctions whose purpose is to prevent the commission of offending conduct.
Description: La investigación parte del análisis de la Responsabilidad Disciplinaria del Notario en Ecuador, con el objeto de constatar si el régimen sancionatorio aplicable cumple con la finalidad de preservar la certeza jurídica como función del Estado. El estudio es cualitativo de corte descriptivo, con empleo de los métodos deductivo-in- ductivo y el análisis, teniendo como técnica de recolección de datos la revisión bibliográfica.
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