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Title: Análisis jurídico de la estabilidad laboral en el sector privado Ecuador – 2023.
Authors: Hidalgo Mendieta, María Fernanda
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Hidalgo Mendieta, M. F. (2024). Análisis jurídico de la estabilidad laboral en el sector privado Ecuador – 2023. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-DER;0092
Abstract: The study explored and described factors that contribute to job instability, such as high staff turnover, the use of temporary contracts and unjustified dismissals. The evolution of labor law in Ecuador was examined, from its roots in Roman law to current legislation, highlighting the Constitution of the Republic and the Labor Code as fundamental pillars. The Ecuadorian labor legal framework was analyzed, which guarantees rights such as fair remuneration and maximum working hours. Deficiencies in the application of regulations were identified and a reform of the Labor Code was proposed to limit the use of temporary contracts and strengthen protection against unjustified dismissals. The research used a mixed methodology, combining legal analysis with an empirical approach, and used various techniques, such as documentary review and analysis of historical background. The results of the study are relevant for workers, employers, legislators and society in general, as they contribute to the debate on job stability in Ecuador.
Description: El estudio exploró y describió los factores que contribuyen a la inestabilidad laboral, como la alta rotación de personal, el uso de contratos temporales y los despidos injustificados. Se examinó la evolución del derecho laboral en Ecuador, desde sus raíces en el derecho romano hasta la legislación actual, destacando la Constitución de la República y el Código del Trabajo como pilares fundamentales. Se analizó el marco jurídico laboral ecuatoriano, que garantiza derechos como la remuneración justa y la jornada laboral máxima.
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