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Title: Ingesta de materia seca en terneros al destete con gramínea de corte e Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
Authors: Anchundia Cabezas, Karen Lisbeth
Keywords: CUBA OM 22
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Anchundia Cabezas, K. L. (2024). Ingesta de materia seca en terneros al destete con gramínea de corte e Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión El Carmen, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0342
Abstract: This research was carried out at the "Rancho Santa Leonor" owned by Mr. Walberto Vélez Franco, located at kilometer 4, in the place of Sumita-Pita, on the right bank, in the canton of El Carmen in the province of Manabí. The area is classified as having a humid tropical bioclimate with an irregular topography, and with a productive activity that focuses mainly on banana cultivation and livestock, specifically meat production. The study was based on analyzing the dry matter intake in calves at weaning, using Cuba 22 (Pennisetum sp) and Hibiscus rosa-sinesis. The research methodology included a Completely Randomized Design (DCA) with three treatments and ten observations; The treatments consisted of different times of dehydration of the grass used, including the forage tree in which 500 grams of buttercup were included. The study used three cattle housed in individual pens, where they had access to water devices, mineralized salt and chopped grass. Once the research was concluded, the data were analyzed using Tukey's mean comparison test in the ININFOSTAT statistical program. The best result was obtained with the treatment of dehydrated grass for 24 hours, followed by fresh grass and finally dehydrated for 48 hours, which showed a notable decrease in consumption.
Description: Esta investigación se realizó en el "Rancho Santa Leonor" propiedad del Licenciado Walberto Vélez Franco, ubicado en el kilómetro 4, en el lugar de Sumita-Pita, en el margen derecho, en el cantón El Carmen de la provincia de Manabí. La zona se clasifica por tener un bioclima trópico húmedo con una topografía irregular, y con una actividad productiva que se enfoca principalmente en el cultivo de plátano y en la ganadería, específicamente en la producción de carne.

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