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Title: Consumo de materia verde en terneros al destete con gramínea de corte y polyscias guilfoley.
Authors: Barberán Saltos, Alejandro
Keywords: PESTAÑA
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Barberán Saltos, A. (2024). Consumo de materia verde en terneros al destete con gramínea de corte y polyscias guilfoley. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión El Carmen, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0344
Abstract: The present research was carried out with the objective of estimating green matter intake in calves at weaning with cut grass and Polyscias guilfoley, for which three treatments were evaluated: T1 (Fresh grass), T2 (Naturally dehydrated grass at 24 hours) and T3 (Naturally dehydrated grass at 24 hours) arranged in a Complete Randomized Design. The variables evaluated were: total green matter consumption, daily green matter consumption and percentage green matter consumption. The results established that the total green matter consumption of Cuba 22 grass (Pennisetum sp) at three levels of dehydration and Pestaña (Polyscias guilfoley), was better with T1 (fresh grass) and T2 (naturally dehydrated grass at 24 hours) with 1, 00 and 1.06 kg per day, it is likely that natural dehydration of Cuba 22 grass plus Polyscias guilfoley for 24 hours is a viable practice that maintains optimal levels of intake in relation to calf live weight. As for the percentage consumption of green matter of Cuba 22 grass (Pennisetum sp) at three levels of dehydration and Pestaña (Polyscias guilfoley), T1 (fresh grass) and T2 (naturally dehydrated grass at 24 hours) with 10.12 and 10.49 %, respectively, were superior.
Description: La presente investigación se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de estimar la ingesta de materia verde en terneros al destete con gramínea de corte y Polyscias guilfoley”, para lo cual se evaluó tres tratamientos: T1 (Pasto fresco), T2 (Pasto deshidratado naturalmente a las 24 horas) y T3 (Pasto deshidratado naturalmente a las 24 horas) dispuestos en un Diseño Completo al Azar. Las variables evaluadas fueron. consumo de materia verde total, diario y consumo porcentual de materia verde.

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