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Title: Sistema de control para la gestión del talento humano de la empresa “BERMONC S.A.S.”, del cantón el Carmen, periodo 2024.
Authors: Véliz Villamarin, Diana Aracely
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Véliz Villamarin, D. A. (2024). Sistema de control para la gestión del talento humano de la empresa “BERMONC S.A.S.”, del cantón el Carmen, periodo 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-CT.AUD;0194
Abstract: Human talent control and management systems are essential to optimize the performance and employee satisfaction in any organization. In this context, the The objective of this research work was to design a Control System for the Management of the Human Talent in the company “BERMONC S.A.S.”, from the Canton of El Carmen, period 2024. For To achieve this, information collection techniques such as interviews and questionnaires were applied. Regarding the methods used, the inductive method and the deductive method stood out, which They are logical approaches to reasoning. Resulting in research, key areas where human talent management needs to be improved, including manuals and a code of ethics and conduct. In conclusion, through the implementation of an effective Control System, the company will be able to improve personnel administration, increasing productivity and the environment work, thus contributing to its long-term growth and success.
Description: Los sistemas de control y gestión del talento humano son esenciales para optimizar el desempeño y la satisfacción de los empleados en cualquier organización. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue diseñar un Sistema de Control para la Gestión del Talento Humano en la empresa “BERMONC S.A.S.”, del Cantón El Carmen, periodo 2024.

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