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Título : Gestión Financiera para la toma de decisiones del Centro Médico “Corazones Felices”, en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, periodo 2024.
Autor : Garofalo Muñoz, Génesis Daniela
Gilces Napa, Evelin Vanessa
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Garofalo Muñoz, G. D. y Gilces Napa, E. V. (2024). Gestión Financiera para la toma de decisiones del Centro Médico “Corazones Felices”, en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, periodo 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-CT.AUD;0195
Resumen : In the current context of increasing complexity and dynamism in the health sector, efficient financial management has become a crucial factor for the sustainability and success of medical centers. Entities that do not have adequate financial record and control systems face serious risks of competitiveness and survival. The present research aims to design a financial management guide for decision making at the “Corazones Felices” Medical Center. The problem detected in the company was the absence of financial records and the lack of financial management in the center, because, not being obliged to keep accounts, they do not have the financial data. The study was carried out using the inductive method and techniques such as interviews and internal control questionnaires were used to evaluate the existing procedures. The results revealed that the lack of financial data prevents knowing the real financial status of the company, which can compromise its competitiveness and ability to decide. To conclude, the proposed financial management guide offers a precise and detailed methodology to keep and control the financial records of the medical center. By adopting this solution, the Happy Hearts Medical Center will not only improve the accuracy in determining its financial situation, but will also strengthen its ability to make strategic and informed decisions, thus ensuring better management of its resources and greater long-term sustainability.
Descripción : En el actual contexto de creciente complejidad y dinamismo en el sector salud, la gestión financiera eficiente se ha convertido en un factor crucial para la sostenibilidad y el éxito de los centros médicos. Las entidades que no cuentan con sistemas de registro y control financiero adecuados enfrentan serios riesgos de competitividad y supervivencia.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6449
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