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Title: Modelo constructivista en la enseñanza aplicada de las matemáticas en los estudiantes del séptimo año en la unidad educativa “Dr. Luis Aveiga Barberán
Authors: Olmedo Barreto, Detcy Magdalena
Zambrano Marcillo, Judy Romina
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ED.BAS;001
Abstract: "The constructivist model in mathematics teaching offers a significant contribution to student learning by fostering educational innovation and adapting to individual learning needs and styles. This research aimed to analyze the implementation of the constructivist approach in mathematics teaching for seventhgrade students at the 'Dr. Luis Aveiga Barberán' Educational Unit during the 20232024 academic year. The methodological development of the project aligned with a mixed design, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, adopting both positivist and interpretive characteristics to address the research question. The study population included 140 students and four seventh-grade teachers, working with a representative sample of 70 students, selected from each parallel class. The results indicate that the majority of students actively participate in practical mathematics activities, showing a high level of interaction and understanding. However, a minority do not reflect the effective application of the constructivist model. This underscores the need to encourage all students to enhance their learning, ensuring the effectiveness and accessibility of education, and promoting equitable and quality education."
Description: El modelo constructivista en la enseñanza de las matemáticas ofrece un aporte significativo al aprendizaje de los estudiantes, fomentando la innovación educativa y adaptándose a las necesidades y estilos de aprendizaje individuales. Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la implementación del enfoque constructivista en la enseñanza de las matemáticas para los estudiantes de séptimo grado en la Unidad Educativa "Dr. Luis Aveiga Barberán", en el periodo lectivo 2023-2024.
Appears in Collections:EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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