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Title: La Educación Virtual y la Conectividad en tiempos de pandemia en docentes de la Unidad Educativa “Tres de Julio” del Tercer año de Bachillerato.
Authors: Espinosa Mina, Nicol Alexandra
Rojas Parrales, Mishell Jessenia
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Espinosa Mina, N. A. y Rojas Parrales, M. J. (2024). La Educación Virtual y la Conectividad en tiempos de pandemia en docentes de la Unidad Educativa “Tres de Julio” del Tercer año de Bachillerato. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ED.BAS;003
Abstract: Virtual education offers a flexible and accessible environment for learning through the use of digital platforms and online resources, facilitates interaction and access to educational materials from anywhere, although it faces challenges in terms of connectivity, accessibility and adaptation to various styles. Learning. It is proposed as a general objective; Analyze the impact of virtual education and connectivity in times of pandemic of the teachers of the "Tres de Julio" Educational Unit. The methodology is field with a quantitative, descriptive approach. To collect data, the technique was used of the survey, the instrument that was used was a questionnaire where the application of the questions was taken into account using the Likert scale, validated by teachers from the educational area under study. As a population involved in the research, there were 25 teachers, of which 17 were the respondents from the institution in question. The results confirmed the analysis of the impact of virtual education and connectivity in times of pandemic. It was concluded that the technological tools used by teachers to teach virtual classes were of great help during the pandemic. pandemic, which facilitated the work of the teaching staff and the management of the subjects by the students.
Description: La educación virtual ofrece un entorno flexible y accesible para el aprendizaje mediante el uso de plataformas digitales y recursos en línea, facilita la interacción y el acceso a materiales educativos desde cualquier lugar, aunque enfrenta desafíos en términos de conectividad, accesibilidad y adaptación a diversos estilos de aprendizaje. Se plantea como objetivo general; Analizar el impacto de la educación virtual y la conectividad en tiempos de pandemia de los docentes de la Unidad Educativa "Tres de Julio”.
Appears in Collections:EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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