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Title: Atención a la diversidad para la inclusión efectiva en los estudiantes del subnivel Superior de Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa “José Ramón Zambrano Bravo”, Cantón El Carmen – Manabí, periodo 2024-2025.
Authors: Morales Ramírez, Katherin Mishell
Pacheco Armijjo, Yadira Genith
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Morales Ramírez, K. M. y Pacheco Armijjo, Y. G. (2024). Atención a la diversidad para la inclusión efectiva en los estudiantes del subnivel Superior de Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa “José Ramón Zambrano Bravo”, Cantón El Carmen – Manabí, periodo 2024-2025. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ED.BAS;024
Abstract: In this research project, the contribution of attention to diversity in effective inclusion was determined through scientific reading and field research, with the purpose of suggesting activities that help raise awareness among educational actors in the Hig her sublevel of Basic General Education of the "José Ramón Zambrano Bravo" Educational Unit, Canton El Carmen, Manabí, period 2024-2025. The descriptive level was used because it involved processes that consisted of observing events as they manifested themselves in their surroundings, to later be analyzed. Therefore, it was important that, in the process of observing and describing the diversity that exists in the Institution, the variables were not manipulated. Likewise, by having integrated both quantita tive and qualitative approaches, a more holistic and balanced understanding of the contribution of attention to diversity for effective inclusion was achieved. The study was carried out with a small population, 100% of each parallel was taken, that is, the total number of students was 158, in the same way with the teachers (8), a director and the educational psychologist of District 13d05. The results indicate that the teachers of the Educational Institution performed functions that are essential for their students to feel valued and included in school activities, however, there is a lack of suitable spaces to generate an inclusive learning environment in which all actors of the educational community participate actively.
Description: En este proyecto de investigación se determinó el aporte de la atención a la diversidad en la inclusión efectiva, mediante la lectura científica e investigación de campo, con el propósito de sugerir actividades que ayuden a sensibilizar a los actores educativos del subnivel Superior de la Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa “José RamónZambrano Bravo’’, Cantón El Carmen, Manabí, periodo 2024-2025. Se utilizó el nivel descriptivo porque involucró procesos que consistían en observar los acontecimientos tal y como se manifestaban en su entorno, para posteriormente ser analizados.
Appears in Collections:EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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