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Title: Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de sexto año de la U.E. “Tres de Julio” del cantón El Carmen.
Authors: Andrade Montes, Mayerly Carolina
Vélez Hernández, Carlos Raúl
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Andrade Montes, M. C. y Vélez Hernández, C. R. (2024). Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de sexto año de la U.E. “Tres de Julio” del cantón El Carmen. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ED.BAS;028
Abstract: Developing emotional intelligence in students is of great importance since in this way healthy and harmonious relationships are established inside and outside the educational environment, in addition the socio-emotional and cognitive skills of children are improved at an early age, thus contributing to the comprehensive development and academic performance of the student from elementary education. From this perspective, the objective of this study was to determine the statistical relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance of sixth-grade students of the “Tres de Julio” Educational Unit of the El Carmen canton. The methodology followed adhered to the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental field design of a descriptive correlational level. For data collection, the survey and documentary review techniques were used, the instruments used were the BarOn ICE emotional inventory adapted by Ugarriza and Pajares (2015) and a matrix of averages. The population involved in the research were 89 students from the aforementioned grade and institution. The results showed an adequate level of emotional intelligence in the students and academic performance, which was mostly outstanding and average. It was concluded by confirming a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic performance, since the more emotionally intelligent the child is, the better academic performance he or she obtains, or on the contrary. In the same way as was achieved through Spearman's correlation, it was shown that there is a strong and perfect statistic between emotional intelligence and academic performance.
Description: Desarrollar la inteligencia emocional en los alumnos es de gran relevancia ya que de esta manera se establecen relaciones sanas y armónicas dentro y fuera del entorno educativo, además se mejoran las habilidades socioemocionales y cognitivas de los niños a temprana edad, contribuyendo así en el desarrollo integral y rendimiento académico del educando desde la educación elemental.
Appears in Collections:EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA

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