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Title: Enfoque neurosensorial en el desarrollo integral de niños con trastorno del espectro autista.
Authors: Acosta Zambrano, Nicole Dayana
De la Cruz Pérez, Heidy Georgina
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Acosta Zambrano, N. D. y De la Cruz Pérez, H. G. (2024). Enfoque neurosensorial en el desarrollo integral de niños con trastorno del espectro autista. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0107
Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that begins in early childhood and causes children to have difficulties associated with alterations in sensory processing that lead to significant social, communicative and behavioral limitations that interfere with their comprehensive development, limiting their participation in different contexts. For this reason, the objective of the project focused on determining the incidence of the neurosensory approach in the comprehensive development of children with autism spectrum disorder. To do so, it focused on two areas of childhood occupation: education and play. The project was carried out under the systematic review methodology by searching for information in different bibliographic sources such as: Scielo, pubmed, redalyc. In this way, several authors who applied the neurosensory approach showed improvements in self-regulation, adaptive behaviors and social interaction in children with ASD, increasing their participation in educational and recreational activities, contributing to their general development, where the occupational therapist plays a fundamental role in its implementation. Once completed, it is concluded that the benefits of the approach are significant for optimal comprehensive development of children with ASD, even more so if applied from an early intervention, improving not only processing, sensorimotor, and social skills, but also their involvement in their occupational roles.
Description: El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es una condición que inicia en la infancia temprana y que generan que los niños tengan dificultades asociadas a alteraciones en el procesamiento sensorial que conlleva a limitaciones significativas de tipo social, comunicativo y conductual que interfieren en su desarrollo integral, limitando su participación en los diferentes contextos.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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