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Title: Reinserción ocupacional en lesiones traumáticas de mano.
Authors: Garcia Mero, Cris Alan
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Garcia Mero, C. A. (2024). Reinserción ocupacional en lesiones traumáticas de mano. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0110
Abstract: Traumatic hand injuries are one of the main causes of employee incapacitation and the reintegration process will depend on several factors, including the type of injury, the length of incapacity, and the costs of recovery; due to these factors, the employee is often not reintegrated into his or her job, but the employment relationship is terminated; this is why companies must analyze the risk factors that generate this problem. In this research, a systematic methodology was used, which has the general objective of defining the importance of occupational reintegration in traumatic hand injuries, where scientific data were obtained from the bibliographic review published on this topic, which were analyzed and compared taking into account several inclusion and exclusion criteria on occupational reintegration in traumatic hand injuries. Therefore, it is concluded that in order to achieve occupational reintegration due to hand injuries, several situations must be considered that will lead to achieving said reintegration, since many times it is not achieved due to different factors that are very influential, which is why the intervention of the occupational therapist is recommended to achieve successful occupational reintegration.
Description: Las lesiones traumáticas de mano son una de las principales causas que incapacitan a los colaboradores y el proceso de reinserción dependerá de varios factores, entre los que destacan el tipo de lesión, el tiempo de incapacidad, y los costos de la recuperación; debido a estos factores muchas veces no se reinserta al colaborador a su puesto de trabajo, sino que se da por terminada la relación laboral; es por ello que las empresas deben analizar los factores de riesgo que generan esta problemática.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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