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Title: Terapia ocupacional en usuarios con rizartrosis post quirúrgica.
Authors: López Bailón, Edwin Javier
Castillo Parrales, Joel Ariel
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: López Bailón , E. J. y Castillo Parrales, J. A. (2024). Terapia ocupacional en usuarios con rizartrosis post quirúrgica. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0114
Abstract: Rhizarthrosis is a condition characterized by pain at the base of the thumb and the first metacarpal, which is produced by the friction between the bones, causing progressive pain until it becomes chronic. It occurs in both genders, although it is more frequent in women over 50 years of age. To perform an intervention in patients with rhizarthrosis, there are several options that fit the needs of each person; surgery is one of them. Therefore, the intervention of the occupational therapist in users with post-surgical rhizarthrosis, according to several investigations, is very important because it significantly helps the prompt improvement of this condition, which is reflected in daily life activities.
Description: Rizartrosis es un padecimiento el cual se caracteriza por presentar dolor en la base del pulgar y el primer metacarpiano, mismo que se produce por el roce entre los huesos lo que provoca dolor progresivo hasta volverse crónico, se presenta en ambos géneros aunque tiene una mayor frecuencia en las mujeres mayores de 50 años.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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