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Título : La actividad sexual y la discapacidad en el contexto terapéutico.
Autor : Mantuano Bailón, María Corina
Reyes Quimis, Angel Luis
Palabras clave : ACTIVIDAD SEXUAL
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Mantuano Bailón, M. C. y Reyes Quimis, A. L. (2024). La actividad sexual y la discapacidad en el contexto terapéutico. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TO;0116
Resumen : The present systematic study is aimed at analysing the available evidence regarding the approach taken by occupational therapists and the rehabilitation field towards individuals with disabilities, specifically concerning their sexual activity a topic currently burdened by stigma, which limits its inclusion during the rehabilitation process. The methodology employed allowed the identification of 24 relevant articles that specified the barriers faced by professionals, both in terms of knowledge and their environment, in addressing sexual relationships holistically. Furthermore, an occupational imbalance was evident in the population due to the exclusion of this meaningful activity from clinical practice and users' routines. The study concludes that this represents an occupational need that must be addressed comprehensively, not only in Ecuador but throughout Latin America, in both the rehabilitation and adaptation processes to restore meaningful life patterns for individuals with disabilities.
Descripción : El presente estudio sistemático está direccionado a analizar la evidencia disponible sobre el abordaje que dan los terapeutas ocupacionales y el área de rehabilitación a las personas con discapacidad de forma general en cuanto a su actividad sexual, un tema que presenta estigmas en la actualidad y limitan su inclusión durante su proceso de rehabilitación.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6516
Aparece en las colecciones: TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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