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Title: Participación de la terapia ocupacional en la regulación emocional de pacientes oncológicos.
Authors: Mieles Zambrano, Reymond Paul
Mero Zambrano, Donny Javier
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Mieles Zambrano, R. P. y Mero Zambrano, D. J. (2024). Participación de la terapia ocupacional en la regulación emocional de pacientes oncológicos. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0118
Abstract: The diagnosis of cancer is accompanied by a series of negative thoughts in the head accompanied by feelings such as uncertainty, fear, anger and sadness. These thoughts cause a significant emotional conflict for the person with breast cancer pathology since they would not be able to normally carry out many of the activities they previously carried out, which would cause a series of imbalances. In the family and work environment, the affected person decreases her performance, since the disease causes physical and emotional wear and tear that makes her incapable of this type of activities, including those of daily life. This is why this systematic work, and bibliographic review will focus on analyzing the "participation of occupational therapy in the emotional regulation of oncology patients", focusing on women with breast cancer. For the structure of the following work, search tools such as Google academic, PubMed, Scielo and Dialnet were used, as well as websites of the Ministry of Public Health and the World Organization of Occupational Therapists, in order to gain in-depth knowledge about breast cancer. breast, its stages, how it is related to emotions in the personal, social, family and work spheres, and how the regulation of these by an occupational therapist can help improve the quality of life of women with this disease.
Description: El diagnóstico de cáncer se suma con una serie de pensamientos negativos a la cabeza acompañados de sentimientos como incertidumbre, miedo, rabia y tristeza. Estos pensamientos le provocan un importante conflicto emocional a la persona con patología de cáncer de mama ya que no podría llevar a cabo con normalidad muchas de las actividades que antes realizaba, lo que ocasionaría una serie de desajustes.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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