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Title: Terapia ocupacional y los patrones de ejecución durante el duelo.
Authors: Quimis Tumbaco, Merilyn Damelys
Keywords: DUELO
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Quimis Tumbaco, M. D. (2024). Terapia ocupacional y los patrones de ejecución durante el duelo. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TO;0122
Abstract: The present study was carried out with the general objective of identifying the existing literature on occupational therapy and its contribution to understanding and improving performance patterns during the grieving process; the problem addressed the significant changes that this process generates in occupational areas, social roles and routines, negatively impacting the emotional and functional adaptation of individuals; the methodology consisted of an exhaustive bibliographic review based on the PRISMA flowchart, selecting 19 relevant studies after an evaluation of 292 initial articles; the results showed that grief affects performance patterns in dimensions such as sleep, eating and time perception, highlighting that these changes vary according to factors such as educational level and the complexity of grief, since the influence of sociocultural contexts, rituals and narratives was also key to understanding the trajectories of grief; In conclusion, occupational therapy plays a crucial role in integrating meaningful activities, emotional validation and creativity to mitigate negative emotions and enhance resilience, in addition to knowing the interventions adapted to the cultural context and individual needs that promote emotional well-being and functional reorganization after the loss, reinforcing the importance of interdisciplinary strategies and adequate resources to maximize the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.
Description: Se realizó el presente estudio bajo el objetivo general que es identificar la literatura existente sobre la terapia ocupacional y su contribución en comprender y mejorar los patrones de ejecución durante el proceso de duelo; la problemática abordó los cambios significativos que este proceso genera en las áreas ocupacionales, roles sociales y rutinas, impactando negativamente en la adaptación emocional y funcional de los individuos.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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